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Can I integrate with my website or Facebook?

Yes, you can add iFrame or button widget and allow clients to book online right from your website. We also have Wordpress and Joomla plugins as well as easy integration with Facebook. Find instructions and tutorials here.


Do you offer admin and client apps?

Yes, we both offer an admin app and a branded client app. In the admin app, you can see your booking calendar, upcoming bookings, recently booked appointments, see client list, and easily create, edit & cancel bookings. The client app allows your customers to easily book, reschedule or cancel appointments as well as seeing their booking history and more. Click here to read more.


Can I sync my agenda with Google calendar?

Yes. We offer 2-way synchronization with Google Calendar as part of our custom features. You can export bookings from to Google Calendar and also import events from Google Calendar to to block those times. Learn more here.


Can I set specific schedule for my services, not regular one?

Our system offers flexible time settings where you can create both weekly availability and date-by-date schedule. Check more about time settings here. You can also create event for specific date and set the number of people who can come to that event. Instructions how to create events here.


Can I accept payments online?

With the help of Accept Payments plugin you can accept payments from clients via PayPal, STRIPE, Bitcoins, Zooz and Dwolla. See instructions how to configure payments here.


What are plugins and why should I use them?

Plugins are additional functionalities of which you can select to allow for more advanced management of your bookings. For example:

  • Syncing service providers’ accounts to Google calendar
  • Requesting more information during the booking process using additional fields
  • Accepting payments online
  • Enabling group bookings
  • Organizing services by categories
  • Managing bookings for multiple locations

Click here to see all the advanced features has to offer!


Can my employees have access to admin page management?

Yes. You decide who has access to the system, and how much access they have by setting their access level. There are 4 access levels:

  • Admin Access Level can see and manage all bookings, company settings, and providers/services schedule
  • Access Level 1 can see all bookings and edit the schedule for all service providers
  • Access Level 2 can manage only their own schedule
  • Viewer can see the bookings but cannot make any changes

Learn more about admin users and access levels here.


Is there any limit for the number of services and providers in your system?

The number of staff members and service providers depends on the subscription you choose. Check our pricing table to see the limits for each subscription.


Can I offer group bookings?

You can offer both group services and individual ones with our booking system. Each provider has a number of people he can serve at once and if you want clients to book in groups, just activate Group Bookings plugin and set max number of people in a group. More info here.


Do you have promotion system?

Yes! We offer an amazing promotion system that allows not only to create discount codes but also offers you to sell gift cards to your clients.


Do I get my own website?

But of course you do! With website builder you get an awesome, customizable, and fully functional booking website! Add your instagram photos, create extra content pages, include links to other sites, adjust the design to your branding and use your booking website as your ONE and ONLY website.


Do I need to choose a plan now?

No pressure, sign up for free and you get a 14 day free trial including almost all features and 50 bookings. Once your trial expires it’s time to decide which plan suits you best. You can always get advice from our support team and we also have a nifty little quiz to help you choose - check it out right here


Are there any additional charges?

No hidden ones, for sure. What you can buy additionally are more bookings. A lot of our clients also choose to send SMS reminder notifications and for that you need to buy SMS credits. You can find the pricing for those on the pricing page.


What happens if I use up my 50 bookings included in the free trial?

Kudos to you! That’s what we call a luxury problem! You can either upgrade to a higher subscription plan or buy some additional bookings separately. Find the pricing table further up on this page.


What if my bookings turn out to be more than included in the plan I chose?

Congratulations! You must be really happy getting all those bookings! Now you can either upgrade to a higher subscription or buy additional bookings separately.


What happens when my free trial month ends?

Then you select which plan suits your needs or you can continue as a Free User if you have less than 50 bookings a month and only need 1 custom feature. You will receive a reminder to pick a plan for the upcoming period.


Can I cancel at any time?

Absolutely. is an honest company and we are in this business for the long term. NO hidden cancellation fees, NO long term binding contracts, NO bullshit! You choose the period you want to pay for (monthly or annual) and that's it.


Which payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards, PayPal or you can make a wire transfer, the choice is yours :)


Do you include support?

Yes, we include both live chat and email support to all of our users. We don't discriminate between our clients. ;)


Can I pay for my account annually?

Yes but only if you want to get 2 months for free :)


Is there a setup fee?

Noooooo, no setup fee because it is as easy as a breeze to setup the system yourself and our support team are on hand to help you out if you need them.


Can you set up the system for me?

But of course! If you are super busy and would like us to set the system up for you, then we would love to help you set it up for 499 USD. We are going to need some info from you though. ;)


How many staff members and different services are included in the free plan?

The number of staff members and service providers depends on the subscription you choose. Check our pricing table to see the limits for each subscription.


Is my data secure and who owns it?

Yes, your data is secure and you are the one and only owner. All your communication with the system goes through SSL to avoid any external snooping. We have servers in reputable hosting centers in Europe for Europeans and in Canada for the rest of the world. Additionally you can enable our HIPAA feature to make your data more secure by allowing very limited access to your system, auto lock-outs, double authentication etc.


Are my payment details secure?

Yes. When you pay for you go through our secure payment processing partners. When your clients pay you through they go through the payment processing partner of our choice which you have integrated with our service. never stores any credit card information or sensitive payment data.


Can I change my plan later (upgrade/downgrade)?

Yes, you can upgrade at any time. If you want the upgrade to become effective immediately you can contact us, otherwise it will automatically happen once your current subscription expires* . You can also downgrade at any time and it will become effective once the current plan expires*.

*at the end of the subscription month or year depending on how you have chosen to pay.

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