Booking system for
City Council

Customize your own City Council Booking App

Design a professional and customized look for your booking website. Choose from our beautiful brand new fully responsive templates to fit your company brand. You can even choose the most convenient way for your clients to see your booking availability such as by class, time or staff.

  • No design skills needed
  • Fully responsive
  • Choose from a variety of templates
  • Insert your own logo
  • Add photos of staff and services
  • Adjust colors to match your brand colors
  • Gallery of photos from your business
  • Video tutorials

Do you want more bookings from more channels?

Accept bookings from multiple channels

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Easy Appointments for You & Your Clients

Embassies and consulates around the world are providing various services for citizens of their countries, who are usually dwelling abroad. Often, the employees of these embassies are under a huge strain from people needing help such as renewing passports, advice on legal matters, travelling visa or other business matters. Within the embassies, there are usually various consultants focusing on different issues, accepting appointments and helping people with their issues. Throughout the years, the scheduling of these bookings and meetings have been done over the phone, which unfortunately is not a very effective way for the people nor the staff. has seen a huge increase in embassies and consulates that have started to use the scheduling software to better organise their meetings with people. We have even been contacted by embassies that we thought were very small and they were needing up to 15.000 bookings per month.

mobile phone

Why booking app for city councils is a great fit for you

  • An easy way to select the department, type of consultation and specialist right on the booking page, from your website or Facebook fan page.
  • Customizable client interface, where you can arrange your services, staff, locations and categories in the order you need and make it easier for citizens to schedule the right meeting.
  • Extensive choice of additional features that include synchronization with Google calendar, Google Adwords, allowing people to login through Facebook, add image gallery to your page, customize themes and colors, organize group meetings, etc.
  • Ability to collect all the necessary info from clients when they make a reservation.
  • Well-organized admin calendar, where you can use filters to find the bookings for a particular client or provider.
  • Multiple ways to add booking functionality to your site like a separate page, booking button or contact us and book now button.
  • Proficient notification system for both staff and clients that informs when the booking was made, edited or cancelled. You can change the text according to your needs and choose what notifications to send and what not to send. Apart from emails, the system can also send a sms for an additional fee.
  • A variety of graphs and statistical data that can be organized by date, staff, client and exported to excel. scheduling software offers you a great choice of features that can be activated when needed. We also have API and your developers team can use it to build the system you need particularly for your everyday scenarios. Whenever you have any questions regarding pricing, features, opportunities or setup, do not hesitate to press the big green Live Chat button on the right or schedule a call to discuss things personally!

APP on devices

Go Smart - Go mobile

Client APP

Get your personalised business branded app! Let your clients download the app on their mobile device where they can easily book your services, change a booking, view booking history, buy gift cards and more.

Admin APP

Access all your bookings, make new bookings, create clients etc by a simplified version of the main system, intended for users on the road. Get notifications of new bookings, and reminders for upcoming appointments.

See what Our Customers think of

Richard Cornish

Birmingham City University

Richard Cornish

"With I can keep control and get reminders of the meeting. The system allows met to have a lot of meetings all fully recorded and managed without needing a PA. I have all the phone numbers and emails of my students in the system as well. I think all teachers could benefit from using the system and I encourage them to give it a try."
“ made it super easy for our patients to book appointments, and it is even easier for us to manage our bookings in an efficient manner.” Read more Show less

Lauren Stiebing

Executive Search Consultant and Owner, LS International

Lauren Stiebing

"Before using, scheduling interviews and meetings was taking up more than two hours a day. Today we simply send people a link to the booking calendar and people find a time that is convenient for them and book themselves. That is time saved that can now be dedicated to working for our clients. I would absolutely recommend to anyone whose work involves scheduling a lot of calls or meetings." Read more Show less

Mockup site pages

Try the Booking System for 14 days online scheduling software offers fair and affordable pricing that varies depending on the size of your business. If you are just starting, you can start with a free plan and upgrade when you get more clients and more revenue! Do not hesitate to ask our Live Chat if you have any questions. We encourage you to try our system and find out how it can benefit your business.

Start free trial now! Free 14-day trial includes most features and 50 bookings.
  • PayPal
  • Zapier
  • Google AdWords
  • Skrill
  • WordPress
  • Facebook
  • GOCoin

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  • Highly qualified, praised by hundreds of users

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United States of America


United States of America






United States of America

Town of Manlius

United States of America


United States of America


Trinidad And Tobago

Rio Claro

United States of America

Los Angeles



United States of America


United States of America

Crown Point

United States of America


United States of America


United States of America

Roxbury Township

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