Arrow Try our premium package free for 14 days!*
2 months free if paid annually
  • Included Bookings

    Included bookings is the number of bookings per month that you can use.
  • Custom Features

    Custom Features are add-on features that you can use to enhance your booking system. Please click on the “i” sign to the left to see a short video about custom features.
  • Users/Providers

  • Booking Website

    You will get your own website with the booking system. You can use it to promote your business and start accepting online bookings 24/7.
  • Booking Widget

    If you have a website then you can embed a iFrame or booking button into it, enabling you to start accepting online bookings right on your existing website.
  • Facebook & Instagram bookings

  • Directory Listing

    All booking systems can get listed on our, service directory increasing exposure to attract more customers.
  • Android & iOS Admin App

  • Coupons & Gift Cards

  • Sales (POS)

    Accept payments online and on-site and manage all sales in one system.
  • Link removal

    Links to can be removed from widget and booking sites.

    HIPAA Privacy standards for medical companies and those who want more privacy controls.
2 months free if paid annually


$ .
  • Included Bookings

    Included bookings is the number of bookings per month that you can use.
  • Custom Features

    Custom Features are add-on features that you can use to enhance your booking system. Please click on the “i” sign to the left to see a short video about custom features.
  • Users/Providers

  • Booking Website

    You will get your own website with the booking system. You can use it to promote your business and start accepting online bookings 24/7.
  • Booking Widget

    If you have a website then you can embed a iFrame or booking button into it, enabling you to start accepting online bookings right on your existing website.
  • Facebook & Instagram bookings

  • Directory Listing

    All booking systems can get listed on our, service directory increasing exposure to attract more customers.
  • Android & iOS Admin App

  • Coupons & Gift Cards

  • Sales (POS)

    Accept payments online and on-site and manage all sales in one system.
  • Link removal

    Links to can be removed from widget and booking sites.

    HIPAA Privacy standards for medical companies and those who want more privacy controls.
Most popular


$ .
  • Included Bookings

    Included bookings is the number of bookings per month that you can use.
  • Custom Features

    Custom Features are add-on features that you can use to enhance your booking system. Please click on the “i” sign to the left to see a short video about custom features.
  • Users/Providers

  • Booking Website

    You will get your own website with the booking system. You can use it to promote your business and start accepting online bookings 24/7.
  • Booking Widget

    If you have a website then you can embed a iFrame or booking button into it, enabling you to start accepting online bookings right on your existing website.
  • Facebook & Instagram bookings

  • Directory Listing

    All booking systems can get listed on our, service directory increasing exposure to attract more customers.
  • Android & iOS Admin App

  • Coupons & Gift Cards

  • Sales (POS)

    Accept payments online and on-site and manage all sales in one system.
  • Link removal

    Links to can be removed from widget and booking sites.

    HIPAA Privacy standards for medical companies and those who want more privacy controls.


$ .
  • Included Bookings

    Included bookings is the number of bookings per month that you can use.
  • Custom Features

    Custom Features are add-on features that you can use to enhance your booking system. Please click on the “i” sign to the left to see a short video about custom features.
  • Users/Providers

  • Booking Website

    You will get your own website with the booking system. You can use it to promote your business and start accepting online bookings 24/7.
  • Booking Widget

    If you have a website then you can embed a iFrame or booking button into it, enabling you to start accepting online bookings right on your existing website.
  • Facebook & Instagram bookings

  • Directory Listing

    All booking systems can get listed on our, service directory increasing exposure to attract more customers.
  • Android & iOS Admin App

  • Coupons & Gift Cards

  • Sales (POS)

    Accept payments online and on-site and manage all sales in one system.
  • Link removal

    Links to can be removed from widget and booking sites.

    HIPAA Privacy standards for medical companies and those who want more privacy controls.

Premium plus

$ .
  • Included Bookings

    Included bookings is the number of bookings per month that you can use.
  • Custom Features

    Custom Features are add-on features that you can use to enhance your booking system. Please click on the “i” sign to the left to see a short video about custom features.
  • Users/Providers

  • Booking Website

    You will get your own website with the booking system. You can use it to promote your business and start accepting online bookings 24/7.
  • Booking Widget

    If you have a website then you can embed a iFrame or booking button into it, enabling you to start accepting online bookings right on your existing website.
  • Facebook & Instagram bookings

  • Directory Listing

    All booking systems can get listed on our, service directory increasing exposure to attract more customers.
  • Android & iOS Admin App

  • Coupons & Gift Cards

  • Sales (POS)

    Accept payments online and on-site and manage all sales in one system.
  • Link removal

    Links to can be removed from widget and booking sites.

    HIPAA Privacy standards for medical companies and those who want more privacy controls.
You save 17% Arrow
Start free trial now!
Your free 14-day trial includes most features and 50 bookings. No credit card needed.

Por que o sistema de agendamentos é perfeito para você?

Sincronização com Calendário
Google ou Outlook

Não apenas os membros administradores e funcionários da página podem facilmente adicionar e até mesmo sincronizar as reservas com o Google Sync Calendar, mas também os clientes também podem facilmente adicionar sua reserva aos calendários Google, Outlook, Yahoo e iCal somente clicando em um botão.

Protocolo GDPR
(Segurança da Informação)

Protocolo de proteção à informação e que reforçam a segurança para que os nossos usuários estejam sempre protegidos. Além disso, oferecemos também o protocolo HIPAA ( possível ativar para subscrições Standard e Premium.) Esta funcionalidade permite que os usuários definam o encerramento automático da sessão no sistema após um período predefinido, dificultando o acesso de intrusos para acessarem aos seus dados pessoais.


Esqueça as limitações de serviços, porque permite que você crie todos os serviços que deseja apresentar aos seus clientes. Você pode criar vários tipos de serviços e agrupá-los em categorias para organizar melhor o visual e facilitar a seleção. Não há limites, crie todos os que você precisar!

Prestadores de serviço

Inclua todo o seu time (cabeleireiros/artistas/maquiadores) em seu sistema de agendamentos sem nenhum custo adicional! Cobramos o mesmo preço independente da quantidade de serviços ou prestadores de serviços que você tenha!

Envio de lembretes via
email ou SMS

Todos os clientes de seu salão receberão um e-mail ou SMS no momento da reserva, bem como o funcionário que realizará este serviço. Reduza o "no-show" com o envio de lembretes automáticos.

24 horas

Oferecemos suporte por Live chat e emails 24/5, além de suporte via email, tutoriais e helpdesk. Estamos à sua disposição para qualquer dúvida ou ajuda que necessitar.

Pagamento online com diversas opções
de métodos e processadores

Aceitação de pagamentos online com ampla variedade de métods e processadores. Venda cartões de presente, crie promoções e permita que seus clientes realizem este pagamento durante a finalização do agendamento e/ou compra!

Integração com Zapier, Wordpress,
Instagram e Facebook

Integre uma opção de agendamento no seu Website, página Facebook, WordPress, Zapier ou outros sistemas com o nosso widget, ou utilize a nossa extensa API que permite a integração uniforme com os seus sistemas já existentes e portanto, construir a sua própria integração personalizada de acordo com as suas necessidades!

See what our happy users think of

Mandel Dermatology

“ has reduced our monthly costs, increased our number of online bookings, and has helped us better communicate to our patients by customizing the email and notification preferences to suit our needs,” states Jared. “ made it super easy for our patients to book appointments, and it is even easier for us to manage our bookings in an efficient manner.”

Dr. Mitchell J. Mandel

Dr. Mitchell J. Mandel


I have been using now for over four years and I would not be able to operate my business without this invaluable tool. From the versatility of the plug-ins, the ease of operation, the seamless 'fold-in' with Wordpress, the high customer satisfaction due to confirmations & reminders (by both email and text message) and the management, backup and support from the team, I would not be where I am today without this integral part of my massage business. I and my whole team use each booking 'comments' section to keep treatment notes on our clients for each and every session. I love that this is there and that we can view and download entire report histories on each Client. Thank you for such a cost effective and incredible tool.


Adam Ilko


LS International

Before using, scheduling interviews and meetings was taking up more than two hours a day. Today we simply send people a link to the booking calendar and people find a time that is convenient for them and book themselves. That is time saved that can now be dedicated to working for our clients. I would absolutely recommend to anyone whose work involves scheduling a lot of calls or meetings.


Lauren Stiebing

Executive Search Consultant and Owner

The Browery

If you’re thinking about getting an online booking system don’t even think twice about it, just do it. I hate phoning companies to establish appointments. I'd rather just look for myself and book myself.
I think many could benefit from using a booking system like doctors, gynaecologists, all medical practitioners, and salons. I love, wouldn't use anything else to be honest.


Misha Coetzee



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