Clients stories and reviews

  • Tees Rowing Club Launch Booking

    We decided to try Simply for our coaching launch booking system. Although the system is designed for People it is flexible enough to allow me to tailor it for the launches. The idea is to upgrade to the paid system in the future when the users get familiar with the online booking regime. This would involve adding the rest of our fleet to the system (approx. 70 rowing boats). The benefits of the system include the reduction of work for the Launch boat booker that was previously using an excel spreadsheet and emails. Also the users find the system and the app a delight to use. Overall the SimplyВ experience has been great so far. I have had no need to ask for support yet as the wizard made the setup a breeze Colin Bearpark

  • Huntsville Gymnastics Team

    We have used for three years now and love it! After a simple setup, we can get info out to all of our clients and they can schedule appointments from anywhere. Yesterday we sent out info for our client meetings and within two hours every appointment time for the next day had been filled. I'm going to be busy!!!

  • Michael Midgley, 6TSIX Fitness & Health Ltd

    I have been using for the last 2 years as my client booking system. The setup was simple and with the optional add ons you can really tailor it to suit your requirements. For my clients it's very quick and easy and getting the reminder emails worked very well. I would definitely recommend it to small businesses as a booking tool.

  • Charlie's Pilates

    I found out about through a friend, who is using the site to book in clients for his barbers. I booked up a month and have never looked back, has helped me tremendously with keeping my time free to teach and not have to worry about taking bookings and money. It will also help at the end of the tax year as all my bookings are clear. In addition, if you have any problems or are confused with anything there is a live chat and within seconds you have someone helping/teaching you how to get better use out of the site. I have recommended to a few of my pilates teacher friends.
