自订 预约表单

Intake forms image

更了解 客户需求


更了解客户需求 ,提升业绩

使用 SimplyBook.me 预约系统能够帮助您更了解客户需求,透过管理者后台能够看到进一步的报表信息,利用这些数据&分析,您就能够为客户提供更棒、更个人化的服务,有助于您的业绩提升。




  • 医生可能会需要预约者输入生日信息,或同意治疗相关的问题
  • 英文家教会希望学生透过下拉式选单,选择自己的语言能力


Client Fields - Collect information about your customers

With the Client Field custom feature you can collect information about your clients the first time they book your services by asking them multiple questions. This feature works with Client Login, so the first time your client is signing up to book your services, they can be asked different types of questions and the answers will remain attached to the client and not their booking.

This custom feature is great if you want to know more about your client like for example their birthday, their insurance or ID number. The options are endless and this is your chance to get to know your customers better.

Answers to those questions can be added to email notification and they can also be exported to excel if needed via client report. The difference between Client Fields and Intake Forms is that answers to Client Field questions are attached to the client whereas answers to Intake Forms questions are attached to the booking. So with the Intake forms you would rather ask questions related to the booking where as with the Client Field feature you would be asking questions related to the client himself.

Please click here to read how exactly to set it up.

File Uploader - Google Drive

Do you need to collect necessary information from your clients to offer them the best service possible?

The “File Uploader - Google Drive” custom feature allows you to collect files, documents or images, from your clients upon booking or when your clients sign up with you.


我们的 SOAP 病程记录客制功能让您能够输入含有时间戳的 4 个文字字段之纪录,其会与系统中的客户数据一起保留。SOAP 病程记录是专业医疗人员(如护士、治疗师、运动伤害防护员、辅导员和医生)用来记录关于患者信息的文件格式。其字母缩写分别代表主述、观察、评估和计划。

  • Subjective icon


  • Objective icon


  • Assessment icon


  • Plan icon


如果您已经激活“SOAP 病历记录”定制功能,那么您也利用您的客户资料上的“病历”分页,将病患所有相关的医疗信息存放于该页面,确保您随时都可以存取该信息,进一步了解您的病患。

  • PayPal
  • Zapier
  • Google AdWords
  • Skrill
  • WordPress
  • Facebook
  • GOCoin

弹性定制 打造您专属的在线预约网站




免费体验 60+ 最实用的预约功能

Trial Illustration
  • 包含 50 组 预约组数
  • 丰富的 定制功能
  • 您专属的在线预约网站
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