14 天免费体验包含 60+ 个实用定制功能
现在开始免费试用! Free 14-day trial includes all features and 50 bookingsSimplyBook.me 免费在线预约排程系统集成超过 60 种的实用定制功能,您可以自由个性化,打造专属预约网站!
Add and customise service providers, each with individual schedules and personalised settings.
详细信息Add booking functionality as a simple iframe, a booking button or a contact widget to your booking website.
详细信息Integrate booking functionality into your website in just a few clicks.
详细信息Easy and flexible management of all of your appointments, clients, services and much more
详细信息Add multiple system users with different access levels and administrative rights
详细信息Customise the working schedule for your company, employees and services.
详细信息Attach notes to time intervals in your Calendar, with colours or comments, to explain, notify, or instruct your staff.
详细信息Issue tickets for your services, classes and events that your clients can either print or save to their smartphones.
详细信息Manage your company like a pro with detailed reporting information on all bookings and payments.
详细信息Add buffer times between appointments to give yourself time to rest or prepare for the next client.
详细信息Use the clients' timezones for the booking website and notifications and customise date and time formats.
详细信息Customise the language and wording of your booking website and admin interface.
详细信息Select your favorite “Calendar Layout” to represent your services' availability in the preferred way.
详细信息Pick your favourite theme. We have more than 15 theme templates that you can adjust to your taste and brand identity
详细信息Add taxes to your services and products and monitor sales and paid taxes.
详细信息In order to be transparent with your users and show compliance with privacy laws.
详细信息Create invoices for all your bookings and related sales to keep your accounting up-to-date.
详细信息Send booking-related confirmations and reminders to keep your clients and employees updated
详细信息Provide online video meetings and get a multifunctional booking system at the same time
详细信息Set up Single Sign-On process for you as the system admin and your account users enabling login to SimplyBook.me system from MS Azure applications panel. You can create users in MS Azure within the desired access level groups and the corresponding user types will be added in your SimplyBook.me system on the first login.
详细信息Use this feature to make your calendar look busy while you build your business
详细信息Set min/max time settings for each of your services and classes
详细信息Add one or multiple tags to your clients so that you can use to filter out when sending marketing message, get reports etc.
详细信息Manage your social media presence and ad campaigns directly from SimplyBook.me. With the Social Media & Ads feature, you can create, schedule, and monitor posts across multiple platforms and run targeted ads to increase your business's visibility. Keep your brand active and engage with clients easily, all from one centralized platform. Ideal for businesses looking to expand their online reach and attract more bookings.
详细信息当您注册 SimplyBook.me 后,您可以根据您所经营的服务项目,打造专属线上预约网页!而透过 SimplyBook.me 制作的线上预约网页可以做为您的官方网站,或是透过嵌入的方式,将预约网页整合至您既有的官网 / WeChat 中,让您的顾客更方便的预约您的服务,提升业绩就该这么简单!
您的网站网址将会是您的公司登入名称后面加上 .simplybook.me:mycompany.simplybook.me ——好好选择吧。 ;)
接受预约最简单的方法是把您的预约网站的网址提供给人们以让他们去自行预约。如果您只想开放让特定的人预约,可以使用我们的登入客制功能,让您的客户必须先登入才能进行预约,甚至使用我们的会员制度功能来将特定服务限定开放给会员预约。最后,如果您只想要自己使用 SimplyBook.me 来管理您的预约,而不想让他人做线上预约,您可以停用预约网站。
预约网站是响应式的,这代表它可以在所有的浏览器和装置上使用——嗯,所有正常的浏览器和装置就是了。如果您用的是非常与众不同的东西,我们就无法做出任何保证了。 ;)
SimplyBook.me 让您能够使用各种客制功能来加强您的销售与营销效能,例如:
The reason SimplyBook.me can accommodate the wide variety of different business users is down to one little secret: Flexible Functionality. We keep the core system as simple as possible and enable our clients to plug-in any additional functionality they need.
Dozens of features can help you organise staff and schedules, customise design, enhance your marketing, and so much more.
You can restrict the total number of simultaneous appointments, ask clients to pay a deposit upfront or require admin confirmation of each booking. Organise your schedule efficiently by setting fixed times when services can start or adding buffer times between services to give your employees time to prepare.
Making the booking process smooth and trouble-free for your clients is easy with our system. Customise the timezones, date, and time formats of your booking calendar, show remaining spaces for classes and send printable tickets to your clients. Allow them to reschedule with ease if they need it.
We regard information security with a high priority (link here), and you can benefit from our many security-focused features. Functions such as the Clean History feature, Cancellation Policy, SOAP encryption, and much more mean that your data remains safe to the highest standards of the industry.
The possibilities are so vast. Search here for the feature you need and apply it to your booking system!
丰富的客制化选择是 SimplyBook.me 系统的灵活性及适应性的核心,而我们的客制功能则是其客制化的核心。因此,我们鼓励您尝试一下我们所有的客制功能,以了解系统能够提供给您的所有可能性,不过为了让您大概知道一下系统中可以客制的东西,我们这里列出了一个还算不上周全的清单!
We consider the success of our users' businesses as our measure of success, which is why we do our utmost to support your company's growth and progress.
Wise management and an excellent marketing strategy are the keys to company stability, sustainability and growth. Payment transactions, Sales and tax report, and Daily reports will help you quickly check and analyze the leading indicators of your company performance. You will be able to see which services bring you the most profit and whether the working time is most effectively distributed. Let our Insights report give you clarity on how to make your company even more profitable.
The booking page you have, along with Google Reserve and Instagram and Facebook booking features, are your additional tools to attract new customers. Offline advertising is often insanely expensive, and less productive while advertising online is cheap, easy and powerful. In our blog, we regularly post tips on how to make your page more attractive to visitors, raise your SEO rank and lure new people from different channels.
Analytical features such as Google Analytics, Google adwords, Visitor Counter, and others will help you evaluate the results of your efforts and always see the full picture of your company's reputation development.
SimplyBook.me 把安全放在第一顺位。所有的数据安全都是双重的,第一层保护是不会让未经授权的人员存取或传输所储存的任何敏感数据,其次是将数据遗失的可能性降到最低。所有的密码均被安全储存,所有的系统通讯均有加密。
对于数据备份,SimplyBook.me 每天都会在磁盘之间进行备份,服务器中心之间则是每周进行备份。我们也有客制功能能够作为进一步的安全选择,例如客户与系统通讯的 SSL 加密(系统的管理通讯本身就有默认的 SSL 加密)以及病患数据保护客制功能,为您提供经美国医疗机构批准使用的一流安全功能。进一步了解我们的安全措施。
从现在起,您可以享受从预约到客户结帐的无缝体验。通过在线支付和 POS 系统,您可以为客户提供在线预约服务、销售礼品卡、建立营销活动,接受在线支付或接受现场以现金或银联卡支付。
SimplyBook.me 整合了各式各样的好东西来帮助您做各种事情,从付款处理系统到网站、事务性邮件服务、各种 Google 服务等等。我们还有个 API 客制功能,让您能够将 SimplyBook.me 链接到几乎任何系统,我们也有与 Zapier 整合,让您能够使用多种系统之间的所有 Zapier 自动化魔术。请到这里了解关于我们的整合权限的所有信息。
14 天免费体验包含 60+ 个实用定制功能
现在开始免费试用! Free 14-day trial includes all features and 50 bookings