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活动预约必备 ,定制打造,符合品牌风格的一站式在线预约系统!

为您的预约网站定制,选择专业且有质感的网页视觉。我们提供富有设计感且支援响应式布局的范本,您可以根据品牌风格来挑选。 您也可以弹性自订预约时间轴,如:让客户按照课程、时间或是员工来挑选预约空档。

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  • 无需设计技能
  • 完全响应式
  • 从多种模板中选择
  • 置入您自己的 logo
  • 添加员工和服务的照片
  • 调整颜色以配合您的品牌颜色
  • 展示您业务的照片库
  • 影片教学

Clients in Action

See how the popular event planning business based around the pop-up picnic industry, The Table Service, uses SimplyBook.me for their business.

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您是否想从 不同的平台 获得更多在线预约?


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世界各地无时都有人们、公司或组织在为各类型的聚会,设立一次性或定期的活动。 许多这样的活动都会有参与人数限制,而在这样的情况下, 帮助参与者保留名额会是一件非常重要的事情。 活动主办单位有时候也需要报名者预先支付费用, 这时候,SimplyBook.me 在线预约排程系统,就是您最佳的解决方案, 我们可以在客户报名活动时,预先收取订金,确保预约出席状况。

The SimplyBook.me 在线预约排程系统, 支援完整的定制弹性,让您打造符合品牌需求的在线预约网站。 我们允许活动主办人创建一个预约网站,引导客户和参与者现预约保留名额。 他们还可以在预约过程中,支付活动费用,并填写完整的报名信息, 若您要设置定期的活动,也能轻松完成,简单易用好上手。

mobile phone

Why SimplyBook.me Events scheduling software is a great fit for you

使用 SimplyBook.me 做为专属预约排程系统的优点:

  • 可以团体报名吗?
  • 您可接受付款吗?
  • 您可在您的 FB 粉丝专页上安装预约小部件吗?

SimplyBook.me 最近也持续推出了新的预约时间表, 适合同时提供特别活动企划,是一般的服务经营者挑选使用, 我们也支援团体预约功能,让一位“主揪”同时多人预约您的服务, 这个功能非常实用,因为可以减少多人重复预约所浪费的时间成本,加速客户完成在线预约。

如果您提供非常态性或不固定的活动,且想让客户透过在线预约,保留活动名额,那么 SimplyBook.me 一站式预约排程解决方案,绝对是您最佳伙伴!

APP on devices

数位整合业绩加乘 - 定制品牌专属 App

品牌 App

弹性打造品牌专属 App!让您的顾客轻松安装品牌预约 App,直接透过 App 完成在线预约、修改预约排程、查看预约历史纪录&购买礼品卡等。

管理者 App

透過 SimplyBook.me 一站式管理所有預約排程、建立新的預約、新增顧客資訊,隨時隨地自動化接單!接收預約提醒通知,不錯過每組預約客戶,在服務即將開始前,做好最完善的準備,提升顧客到店消費體驗!

查看 SimplyBook.me 客户 分享的使用好评

MPH Softball

MPH Softball

My experience with Simply Book Me has been outstanding. As a small but growing service business Simply Book Me has really helped streamline the appointment process.My clients love the fact that they can go to my site and find the time that fits their needs.
“SimplyBook.me made it super easy for our patients to book appointments, and it is even easier for us to manage our bookings in an efficient manner.” Read more Show less

Dance Stars Academy

Dance Stars Academy

We use the service for our Birthday party reservations. Huge help, and system does everything we need to avoid spending time and money on taking these reservations over the phone. In fact, we do not have a "live" phone number. Thanks to SimplyBook and other tools, we only respond to phone Voice Messages, and we don't get that many. All our processes are self-service and automated. I would definitely recommend this service to anyone who needs a booking solution. System is very reach in terms configuration options, and lots of features and capabilities. Read more Show less


Q&A with a client

Q: How many bookings come through the booking site?

A: Virtually all of our bookings come through the booking website. We no longer take manual bookings or do manual invoicing. All bookings must be made through the website for our coordinators to see their booked events.

Q: Do you use the mobile admin app?

A: Yes, we do! It’s mandatory for all our coordinators to download the app, so they always know their schedule. That’s why we like the ability to assign agents to each separate booking. They always have the correct information for their bookings on the app.

Q: Do you use other button integrations, Google, Facebook, etc.?

A: Yes, we use all the booking buttons to get more bookings from as many places as possible.


Grace Malaihollo

founder of The Table Service

Mockup site pages

立即注册, 免费体验全方位预约排程系统

SimplyBook.me 在线预约排程系统,提供公平且实惠的方案,您可以根据经营规模,挑选适合的方案。如果您的事业才刚起步,我们也建议您可以先试用入门免费版本,等到您有更多客户和营收时,再决定是否要升级您的 SimplyBook.me 预约系统。另外,我们也鼓励您多多尝试使用我们的排程软体,除了帮助您简化营运成本外,还能提升业绩!如果您有任何使用问题,欢迎随时与我们的在线客户支援取得联系,我们很乐意为您服务,提供更完整的操作说明。

现在开始免费试用! 免费体验完整的在线预约功能,开始利用互联网经营管理!
  • PayPal
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  • WordPress
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  • GOCoin

See Our Clients in Action

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