Lees wat uw vaste gebruikers over te vertellen hebben of ga naar Capterra om 700 onafhankelijke beoordelingen over te bekijken
Lees wat uw vaste gebruikers over te vertellen hebben of ga naar Capterra om 700 onafhankelijke beoordelingen over te bekijken is essentieel voor ons vermogen om onze kliniek effectief te draaien. Onze patiënten genieten van het gemak van online boeken en geven commentaar op hoe gemakkelijk het systeem te gebruiken is. We raden vaak aan aan andere klinieken.
Cotswold Gemeenschap Acupunctuur
Apparel & Fashion
CEO, Juliette P.
Mental Health Care
Counselor, Vanessa P.
Health, Wellness and Fitness
Founder & CEO, Beryl K.
It is fantastic, it is so easy and straightforward to use. Thank you Simply!
Good and I am just beginning to use it.
It is excellent. I schedule my clients. I do not let them schedule themselves. That works best for me. I would definitely recommend the software to others and I have done so.
Great! It was so simple to setup and now I am not worried about prospects falling through the cracks.
We do like it but we had a major problem on the very day staff were using it for the first time that caused as all the plugins were suspended which did not help our teachers' view of the new system.
I love it. It makes my interview process a lot more simple and saves me a lot of time.
easy and realiable
easy and realiable
Wij horen graag meer over succesvolle reserveringsprocedures die via tot stand zijn gekomen
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