Lees wat uw vaste gebruikers over te vertellen hebben of ga naar Capterra om 700 onafhankelijke beoordelingen over te bekijken
Lees wat uw vaste gebruikers over te vertellen hebben of ga naar Capterra om 700 onafhankelijke beoordelingen over te bekijken is essentieel voor ons vermogen om onze kliniek effectief te draaien. Onze patiënten genieten van het gemak van online boeken en geven commentaar op hoe gemakkelijk het systeem te gebruiken is. We raden vaak aan aan andere klinieken.
Cotswold Gemeenschap Acupunctuur
Apparel & Fashion
CEO, Juliette P.
Mental Health Care
Counselor, Vanessa P.
Health, Wellness and Fitness
Founder & CEO, Beryl K.
cool, good looking and easy to use tool which works !
I like the look and that layout of it, and all the options thus far. I haven't had much use with it yet since both myself and my clients are used to arranging things by email and being very flexible and hands on.
Just test
just test it
just test
Incredibly good. It is the absolute best program that does this. I'm sure it's going to be bought by Google or some other big company eventually
I love it! I really like how easy it is to use! I love the ability to use the free version until you get enough clients booking to pay for the app. I am very happy!!
We are able to be more productive, by saving time using this tool. We spend less time trying to got a hold of potetial talent and they are able to schedule themselves. This has freed up time in our day to contact more talent than before.
Wij horen graag meer over succesvolle reserveringsprocedures die via tot stand zijn gekomen
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