
SimplyBook.me es esencial para gestionar nuestra clínica de forma eficaz. Nuestros pacientes están encantados con la comodidad de poder reservar en línea y hacer comentarios sobre lo fácil que es usar el sistema. A menudo recomendamos SimplyBook.me a otros médicos.

Cotswold Community Acupuncture

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Ropa y Moda

CEO, Juliette P.

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Cuidado de la Salud Mental

Consejera, Vanessa P.

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Salud, Bienestar y Fitness

Fundadora y Directora ejecutiva, Beryl K.

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User feedback

Jose Hane

It has made things so easy for me. Clients are hapy that they dont have to sign up for anything and in a couple of clicks they are set.

User feedback

Robert W. R. Walker


User feedback

Ron Leese

This is a wonderful service which I'm very pleased with. This is my first on line business so I was hoping for a smooth start and SimplyBook has provided that for me. The live help is always there for you too about anything too which is great.

User feedback

The Bespoke Barber

It's pretty good so far. The customer service should be better though. It''s hard to get things done online and over the phone

User feedback

Angela Counsel

Not recently no it hasn't increased my productivity in fact it has created more work and has meant that I have missed calls with my clients and I have been doubled due to the fact that my google calendar has been unlinked from this booking system. I was told that I needed to upgrade my level which I did but I still am not able to link my calendar for another week which really isn't professional and doesn't save me anytime at all. At this stage no I wouldn't recommend it and I am not sure that I will continue with this subscription.

User feedback

digant shikotara

Awesome. Clients satisfied with it. Will definitely recommend to others

User feedback

digant shikotara

Awesome. Clients satisfied with it. Will definitely recommend to others

User feedback

Modern Marketing Concepts

We use this service to schedule internal employee services such as flu clinics, tax advisories, and photo shoots. It has greatly helped us reduce the amount of time and confusion that goes into coordinating dozens of 15-minutes appointments. We will continue to use this service for those needs!

User feedback

Mania de Beleza | Salão e Centro Estético

It is amazing! My clients loved the easy way to booking a beauty service. Additionally, now I have more informations about my business and about behavior of my clients. It's very good.

User feedback

Gary Dobbs

It makes setting up an appointment easy for customers and helps me stay organized by easily adding to my google calendar with one click from the appointment confirmation email. :)

mobile phone

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