
SimplyBook.me är avgörande för vår förmåga att driva vår klinik effektivt. Våra patienter älskar bekvämligheten med onlinebokning och kommenterar hur enkelt systemet är att använda. Vi rekommenderar ofta SimplyBook.me till andra kliniker.

Cotswold Community Akupunktur

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om SimplyBok.me

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Kläder & mode

VD, Juliette P.

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Psykisk hälsovård

Rådgivare, Vanessa P.

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Hälsa, välbefinnande och kondition

Grundare & VD, Beryl K.

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User feedback


It's a great service that provides everything a small business needs, with room to grow and become much more personalised. Customer service response is quick.

User feedback

Zachary Durland

Overall, it has simplified the chain of communication between customers and myself. Some are reluctant to use online booking, but once they try it, it seems to work well for them. I renewed recently and plan to use the service for the next 6 months at least.

User feedback

Mitchel Sullivan

I like all the options and fexability of your services. I do wish you had better support for seting up more complecated scenarios. We have more then 5 markets and i need seprate calendars for each and have no idea how to set that up. but one location seemed to be set up we will see how performance will be under pressure.

User feedback


Made My business more proffesional

User feedback

A Conscious Life Hypnotherapy

I LOVE SimplyBook.me! As an experienced user of appointment driven business applications - SB is by far the system I have used the longest (after experiencing a number of them) because it works the best! Very easy to book/rescheduled/cancel. Easy to customize and the reminders for various communication modes (email/text) has saved my practice quite a bit of money in reducing no-shows. I would recommend this service in a heartbeat.

User feedback

Academy of Fine Arts and Design Aruba


User feedback

Stacy Bruce

I'm satisfied with it, easy to use, clients like it, and it makes your business sell when they click on your site if your page is designed in professionally matter.

User feedback

Hoitola Eloisa

Eazy To use, pretty look, customizaple. Recommend!

User feedback

Border Studios

SimplyBook.me has been a great help in enabling customers to make bookings in their own time, 25/7. The ability to be able to take payments at the time of booking is awesome, and the best part is the customer translations function, which means I can customise my site to suit my specific business.

User feedback

Border Studios

Very easy to use. I recommend this service highly. Will not hesitate to purchase a package once my needs exceed the "free" subscription.

mobile phone

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