Jose Hane
It has made things so easy for me. Clients are hapy that they dont have to sign up for anything and in a couple of clicks they are set.
我們的 IT 研究課程在學生註冊前的諮詢預約上出了問題。人工作業來處理預約讓管理人員陷入好幾個禮拜的困境。當我們把多個校區的管理功能合併至一個集中模組時,問題又變得更加複雜。
雖然不是專為我們的需求設計的,但是我們很容易就能夠使用 的功能來將我們的流程自動化。 讓我不用會寫程式也能有專屬的預約系統,重點是 CP 值很高!
它替我們的行政部門減輕了為學生分配預約的絕大負擔。還可以透過 SMS 簡訊 / 電子郵件 發送給學生做預約確認,並且在有變更時發送提醒通知。它也提供數據讓我們用來追蹤我們註冊諮詢的服務項目。 提供的線上支援非常可靠且有幫助。
自從被 IT 研究開始使用 後,教職員中的其他團隊、商業服務、司法、警務、物業管理等部門也都開始使用 來管理時間排程。
我對 十分滿意。我以前都是用電子郵件與客戶來來回回決定預約時間,有時候,等你得到回覆的時候,時間都已經被預約走了,所以又需要更多的時間來回溝通。 讓客戶能夠很容易地安排他們自己的預約,因而解決了整個問題。我也喜歡整個系統能與我的 Google 行事曆整合功能。我覺得那是這個服務的最好的功能之一。 讓我的潛在客戶很容易地就能夠線上預約現場說明,並且讓我現有的客戶預約現場培訓課程!它是免費的,非常簡單操作,而且顧客在預約時也很容易。我很喜歡它會按照我的時間調整時間,還有用我自己創造的模板發送近期預約的提醒給我。看看,然後點擊「Request a Demo」來看看我是怎麼使用它的。
為我公司的工作面試服務使用 提供了很棒的預約體驗,而且我以前試過不同的預約軟體客製功能,可以很高興的告訴你 的客製功能是無人能比的。客戶能夠在沒有任何困難的情況下安全的預約服務,也能在付款之前添加更多的預約。非常輕鬆簡單的就能打造專屬預約系統,我會繼續把它推薦給別人。
It has made things so easy for me. Clients are hapy that they dont have to sign up for anything and in a couple of clicks they are set.
This is a wonderful service which I'm very pleased with. This is my first on line business so I was hoping for a smooth start and SimplyBook has provided that for me. The live help is always there for you too about anything too which is great.
It's pretty good so far. The customer service should be better though. It''s hard to get things done online and over the phone
Not recently no it hasn't increased my productivity in fact it has created more work and has meant that I have missed calls with my clients and I have been doubled due to the fact that my google calendar has been unlinked from this booking system. I was told that I needed to upgrade my level which I did but I still am not able to link my calendar for another week which really isn't professional and doesn't save me anytime at all. At this stage no I wouldn't recommend it and I am not sure that I will continue with this subscription.
Awesome. Clients satisfied with it. Will definitely recommend to others
Awesome. Clients satisfied with it. Will definitely recommend to others
We use this service to schedule internal employee services such as flu clinics, tax advisories, and photo shoots. It has greatly helped us reduce the amount of time and confusion that goes into coordinating dozens of 15-minutes appointments. We will continue to use this service for those needs!
It is amazing! My clients loved the easy way to booking a beauty service. Additionally, now I have more informations about my business and about behavior of my clients. It's very good.
It makes setting up an appointment easy for customers and helps me stay organized by easily adding to my google calendar with one click from the appointment confirmation email. :)